Monday, May 17, 2010

Catching Up - Part 2: Around The Compound

This is the view from the deck of the pool.  Yes, the pool.  There happens to be a pool on the compound where we are staying.  Not wanting to be rude guests, we chose to avail ourselves of the amenities.  This was the first night, and construction wasn't scheduled to begin until the next morning.  That being said, see "Catching Up - Part 3" for what happened next, and if you're still worried that our international relief dollars are not being put to good use, check out what we did on "Haiti - Day 2".

View the entire gallery HERE to see what the rest of compound looks like (including the pool).  The house we're in, pictured here on the left, has electricity, but no air.  Most of us are sleeping on a back porch type area that is screened in and just barely overlooking the ocean.  The supply yard you see here contains everything needed to construct the shelters we're building, which you'll learn more about in "Haiti - Day 2".  The tiny guard-tower along the tree-line, just to the right of the house, is manned around the clock, as are a few others, along with the front gate.  There are approximately 60 acres surrounded by razor wire to keep out looters and vandals.  Samaritan's Purse has a large facility here and they even operate a helicopter for resupply and emergencies, a Bell 407.  I believe the pilot used to fly Billy Graham.  There are a few missionaries that live here full time; we still haven't met all of them.  Overall, it's way more than I expected for my first mission trip.  The organizations that contribute to this compound are really trying to do everything they can to get people out of pews (or chairs if you go to Explore Church) and into an area where they can be the body of Christ, not just pray about it.  Thought about what might God might have for you?  Ever considered asking Him?

Comments are welcomed.  The bro's will receive them here.

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